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Sussex Scrapbook ~ Wildlife walks throughout the year

Friday 22nd October 2010
Pulborough - Parham - Cootham - Kithurst - Amberley Wildbrooks - Pulborough
~ 15 miles

Another stunning autumnal day that once again denied me the chance to test out the water-proofness of my new boots. This walk did however give me the chance to see if the reported Snow Bunting at Kithurst Hill was still about. Sure enough, there it was sitting in the middle of one of the busiest parts of the South Downs Way without a care in the world. It must have been getting disturbed 100s of times a day by dogs, pushbikes, hikers and birdwatchers but it looked as happy as Larry. It was also in peak physical appearance and was more than happy to pose for the cameras.
The other highlight of this beautiful walk were all of the Fallow Deer that are now rutting. The males are strutting about giving off very macho grunting calls and I was also able to watch some mating. They don't seem anywhere near as combative as Red Deer and seem to make their feelings known to the other males just with disdainful looks instead of head-butting.

What an absolute sweetie!

Not a feather out of place - just the whole bird out of place instead. "You should be in Scotland, stupid!"

From Springhead Estate the autumnal colours of Sussex were starting to kick in.