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Sunday 23rd December 2007
Pulborough Brooks

We woke to find that the whole of England was wreathed in thick fog. Gill had already decided that she was not up for a long walk today, so we decided on yet another visit to PB to see if the owl was still about. We didn't really expect to see it , as they don't fly in damp conditions but what the heck.
When we got there the visibility was really bad and we could only see birds that came quite close to us. We did manage to see
24 species though and Gill found an owl pellet. She has brought it home for dissection.

Here is my traditional picture from the Hanger, with the brooks in the middle ground and Pulborough village in the distance....

An ancient breed, The British White is being raised on the land here.
They are apparently very good foragers and are very handsome beasts (as cows go).

There is still a lot of ice on the brooks. A lot of mud too!

We're not sure why a spider thought it necessary to tie this acorn cup down..?

The Christmas card auditions continue.....