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Sussex Scrapbook ~ Wildlife walks throughout the year
Green Man
Saturday 18th March 2006
Arlington Reservoir

Had to go to the Harley shop near Hailsham, so we popped along to Arlington Reservoir afterwards for a short walk. It was windy as hell and bitterly cold, so we paced it round the water and made for the hide there.  Not much worth reporting on the bird front. A lot of birds just tend to keep their heads down when it is very windy. There were quite a few Great Crested Grebes with their summer plumage on already, plus the obligatory gang of cormorants.
We got buffeted by the wind on the way home and the temperature was well below freezing. My hands were really painful by the time we got home.

The wind was howling along just here and I had to chase my hat twice. At least the water seemed to be at a healthy level.

The reservoir is quite a sizeable stretch of water and is a favourite feeding point for ospreys as they migrate northwards.

The spring lambs were gambolling all over the place too. Lots of lambs and lots of wind. You can tell it's March.