Scrapbook ~ Wildlife walks throughout the year

Saturday 11th August 2018
Southease - Telscombe - Breaky Bottom - Swanborough Hill - Iford - Northease -
Rodmell - Southease
10 miles
The extreme heatwave
that seems to have engulfed most of the world (is it Armageddon?) has finally
broken and the heavens have been left partially open by a careless
angel. The resulting deluge has not flooded parts of the UK out into the sea as
is usual, instead the countryside has started to return to a semblance of
normality. The grass is beginning to re-green, trees that have already
desperately dropped some of their fruit, nuts and leaves are looking a lot more
relieved. The temperature is much more comfortable and manageable and hiking has
become a pleasure again.
To celebrate surviving the drought we sought green views and evidence that the
crops had not all withered in the fields, so we started at Southease near the
River Ouse (like so many other rivers in the world its name means 'River
River'. Go figure!) and headed out into the farmed downland area around Breaky
Bottom (what a beautiful bottom it is too!). On the way I wanted to show Gill
the hidden village of Telscombe and in particular its youth hostel, of which I
have some
happy memories. On arrival we found that the building is now three private
cottages which was a bit upsetting but overall our mood was raised considerably by the
large harvests, the bales of hay everywhere, the fields of bulging corn cobs and
the continued good health of our beloved Downs which are covered in flowers.

Take the time to read
countryside code for yourself and please stick to it at all times.