Sussex Scrapbook
Nature walks throughout the year
Wednesday 11th March 2009
Pulborough Brooks
An early finish from
work on a beautiful, sunny afternoon gave me the chance to shoot down to
Pulborough Brooks RSPB to see if I could spot any adders. They'd been
spotted there recently sunning themselves after waking from their long
hibernation and a warm, sunny day like this is a perfect time to see them.
Although I have seen snakes curled up together, including a male and a female
and I've found baby ones too, I'm still hoping to see some males fighting in the
mating season as I've never seen that.
Sure enough, after sneaking along making sure my shadow wasn't passing over my
search area, I soon found a female curled up by the side of the path. On closer
inspection I could see that it was actually two females curled up together.
Perhaps they were trying to keep warm.
Then, a short distance
away, I found another female by herself.
I used my zoom lens to get
these pictures so that I didn't upset the snakes, although they didn't seem very
frightened of humans. Perhaps this is because they are in a nature reserve and
feel less threatened than normal, or perhaps they're still very lethargic.