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Sussex Scrapbook ~ Nature walks throughout the year
Green Man
Wednesday 6th & Thursday 7th January 2010
Crawley in snow

The severe wintry weather that's passed over the entire country has left Sussex covered in snow and ice, and has left me unable to get to work. With the bike safely stored in the garage and public transport unreliable, I've had to stay close to home and take a few jaunts around our town of Crawley to document the heaviest snowfall we've had in about 30 years. The temperature this morning was -5 and the thick ice that's formed on the trees has started to cause many of them to collapse. The Peace Gardens and the arboretum in Tilgate Park have both been hit pretty hard and if this weather keeps up many of the ornamental trees and shrubs will be decimated. I was able to save a few small trees from imminent disaster, including a small Monkey Puzzle Tree, by some well aimed kicks that dislodged the ice.
Up near the car park at Tilgate Park, at the traditional sledging hill, hordes of people had gathered to hurl their children down the slippery slope on any available piece of plastic.

Fieldfare in Crawley town centre

Semi-albino Blackbird in Malthouse Road, Crawley.

A tree down outside St. John's church, Crawley.

Tilgate Park

A very upset Superb Parrot or Barraband's Parakeet (Polytelis swainsonii) in Tilgate Park


Bullfinch chomping on flower buds.

Campbell's Lake is entirely frozen over and I was able to walk about on it.