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Sussex Scrapbook ~ Wildlife walks throughout the year
Green Man
Saturday 3rd July 2021
Hamsey church open day

A beautiful 25m ride down to Hamsey while cannily dodging the showers. Parts of the route were a bit damp still so we took it easy through the twisties. On arrival we instantly had a choice to make: look around the church or have some delicious cake with a Pimms.  While we were scoffing we were told about the upcoming botanical tour of the churchyard by a very knowledgable botanist by the name of Hillary. Around 108 species of plant have been identified by Hillary in this small plot of land, which until a couple of years back had always been mowed heavily. Twenty of that number were found on the morning of the open day. Without adding anything the churchyard has bloomed with a multitude of grasses and downland flowers. It will now be kept as a meadow should be and it should go on to become a precious island in the landscape. The jewel in the crown of the churchyard was a magnificent Lizard Orchid that was flowering with impeccable timing.
The ride back was on bone-dry, clean roads and we endeavoured to wear out the outermost parts of the tread on our tyres.

Lizard Orchid (
Himantoglossum hircinum) is common in France, we've seen it there ourselves.
It was thought extinct in the UK by 1900 but was rediscovered in the 1920s.
This is one of only six found in East Sussex this year.



Take the time to read the countryside code for yourself and please stick to it at all times.