Scrapbook ~ Wildlife walks throughout the year
Sunday 1st November 2015
A very autumnal walk
followed by a beer in the Three Moles inn at Selham was demanded by 'She who
must be obeyed'. Easy! Selham is right next to Graffham Common and just
about the most autumnal place you can be in these here parts.
Ride the Harley down to Selham, walk around the woods for a few hours and finish
in front of the fire in the pub. Who am I to argue?
St James'. Parts of its stonework are
thought to be Roman, reused from much earlier buildings. There are also some
Celtic stone carvings and a Saxon arch.
Quite a mish-mash of historic relics fortunately left untouched by the meddling
Bay Boletus (Boletus badius)
Another Bay Boletus exhibiting blue staining on being
Orange Peel fungus (Aleuria aurantia)
Take the time to read
countryside code for yourself and please stick to it at all times.