Sussex Scrapbook
Nature walks throughout the year

1st July 2007
Falmer - Ditchling Beacon - Stanmer
10 miles
By now we were fairly stir crazy due to the terrible weather for the past couple
of weeks. So we thought "stuff it" and braved the weather. We parked up at
Sussex University and took the footpath from there to the Downs. On the way we
saw a cuckoo in a place called Cuckoo Bottom. Once on the Downs we walked West
to Ditchling beacon. The weather was perfect for walking, sunny and breezy. We
were so glad that we took the chance. From the beacon we headed back to campus
via the village of Stanmer. A walk of about 10 miles in all and just what we
needed. The Downs are now in full flower and the weather hasn't affected things
at all. There were acres and acres of poppies and we saw a field with lots of
Great Mullein in.

Bladder Campion

Musk Thistle

From near Ditchling beacon looking North.

Ditchling Beacon
